Francine crepe mix directions

Jim's picture

Directions for Use

  1. Pour the contents of the sachet into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add 50cl (2 cups) of milk and stir with a whisk.
  3. Add a tablespoon of oil or 25g (1 ounce) of melted butter and stir again.
  4. Pour a scoop of the mix into a lightly oiled, preheated skillet.
  5. When the first side is nicely golden, turn using a flick of the wrist, or if you must, a spatula.
  6. Let brown, then add your filling.

Package Ingredients

  • Wheat flour
  • Egg powder
  • Wheat starch
  • Salt

Warning: May contain traces of milk, soy, salt. Weight: 380g (13.4 oz)


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